Book A Youth Workshop
Planned Parenthood Toronto offers free workshops for different communities of youth throughout Toronto to promote sexual health and healthier relationships, and to support youth mental health. Whether you’re an educator, community advocate, youth leader, let’s work together to create youth futures.

Book a TEACH Workshop
TEACH is a peer-based youth anti-homophobia/biphobia/transphobia education program. We deliver high-quality peer education activities in middle schools, high schools and community settings across the city. Photo Credit: Sam Balye

Sexual Health and Building Healthier Relationships Workshop Topics:
- Building Healthier Relationships
- Healthy Sexuality
- Birth Control Options (including emergency contraception)
- Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Sexual Readiness and Safer Sex Negotiation
- Boundaries & Consent
- Communication
- Raising Sexually Healthy Children
Mental Health Promotion Workshops
PPT offers a range of youth mental health workshops including mindfulness-based wellbeing. Workshops can be facilitated as a series or as a single module.
In mindfulness based mental health and well-being workshops, youth will learn how to:
- reduce stress and anxiety levels,
- focus and calm the mind and body,
- manage challenging emotions,
- cultivate self-compassion and self-care,
- improve communication and relationships, and
- enhance enjoyment of everyday life
Book A Workshop
To book a workshop please fill out the form below.
Workshops are offered to youth between the ages of 13 and 29 years old. All PPT workshops are free of charge. PPT staff facilitate virtual and in-person workshops on a case-by-case basis and tailor workshops to meet the needs of the groups/communities we are working with.