Sexual and reproductive health needs of young adult sex workers
Youth who exchange or sell sexual services experience significant disparities with regard to sexual health status, sexual health risk behaviours, and access to sexual and reproductive health care.
Youth who exchange or sell sexual services experience significant disparities with regard to sexual health status, sexual health risk behaviours, and access to sexual and reproductive health care. Planned Parenthood Toronto, together with Maggie’s: Toronto Sex Workers’ Action Project and researchers from the University of Toronto, conducted a community-based research project to better understand young adult (age 18-29) sex workers’ sexual and reproductive health needs. The project included focus groups and interviews with 18 young adult sex workers and an online survey with 62 respondents, for a total of 80 participants.
View the full report (open-source PDF) here: cmajopen.ca/content/9/2/E482.full
We found that young adult sex workers wanted to learn more about how to tell health professionals about their work. So together with Maggie’s and the study participants, we created a wallet-card resource to help young adult sex workers with disclosing sex work when seeking healthcare.
Download a printable, discreet wallet-sized version of the disclosure resource here
Note: this document should print as a two-sided sided page with markings to help you cut out and create a wallet sized card. Check your settings before you hit print to make sure.
Download the disclosure resource as a printable PDF 1 page poster here
Download our 7 Recommendations for Healthcare Providers here