Time Out
Time Out is a weekly drop-in program for young parents and those soon to be young parents.
About the Program
Parenting starts with learning how to make healthier, informed decisions for you and your family. That's why Time Out puts young parents (and your choices) first.
Time Out is a weekly drop-in program where young parents and parents-to-be (ages 29 and under) can spend time, learn, and have fun with other young parents. Get referrals and support in accessing health services for your kids. Get access to health services for yourself, including prenatal care, at PPT Health Services. Connect with a supportive, encouraging community of young parents and service providers.
Time Out can help give you the resources and tools you and your family need.
To learn more about the program or to register, contact Lorena at lmurialdo@ppt.on.ca or 416-961-0113 x 154.