Contraception (Birth Control)
A prescription from a PPT clinician is needed to purchase any birth control or treatment. You can get emergency contraceptives right away with one of our Peer Educators. Call (416) 961-0113 or check out our appointments page for full hours.
Wanna Talk Sexual Health With a Trained Peer?
Get your sexual health info from a person, not a website! Book with our trained youth peer-educators to ask questions and get information and support when making sexual health decisions.

Contraception at PPT…
We sell birth control at cost because we believe that affordable birth control is everyone’s right. We offer a variety of types of birth control depending on your need:
- Oral contraception (“the pill”)
- Nuva Rings
- Impant (Nexplanon or Implanon)
- IUDs (intrauterine devices)
- Emergency contraception
- Condoms (free and available anytime)
Book an Appointment
To get started with contraception and birth control, call our team to book an appointment. Call us at 416-961-0113 or visit our appointment page to learn more.
Service Details
Want to get sexual health info from a person, not a website?
Peer educators are here for you! They can give youth 13-29 information and support (but not formal counselling) on sexual and reproductive health issues in the clinic. We are here to give you information that is sex-positive, inclusive, non-judgmental and pro-choice. Our goal is to empower you to make informed decisions about your health, and to give you time and space to ask questions and talk about your feelings the way you might not be able to do in a doctor’s appointment.

More on Birth Control & IUDs
The Pill
Taken every day, at the same time. Many different types of birth control pills are now widely available.
Get The InfoThe Ring
Worn inside your vagina for three weeks at a time, the ring is an effective hormonal method.
Get The InfoThe Internal Condom
A loose pouch worn internally that prevents both unplanned pregnancy and STIs.
Get The InfoThe Patch
This small plastic patch contains both estrogen and progestin and is worn directly on the skin.
Get The InfoBirth Control Options
There are many birth control methods available in Canada today. Here’s a brief overview of your options so you can decide what is right for you.
Get The InfoCopper IUD
This small piece of plastic wrapped with copper wire can stay in the uterus for up to 10 years.
Get The InfoThe External Condom
Worn externally on the penis, these prevent both unplanned pregnancy and STIs.
Get The InfoHormonal IUD
A small T-shaped piece of plastic containing progestin that can stay in the uterus for up to 5 years.
Get The Info